Snigdha Poonam, NewLinesMag
Hezbollah’s Accountant from Madurai
Praveen Swami, The Print
Madras Courier
Varsha Bansal, RestofWorld
The Battle to build India’s Military Jet Engines
John Reed, Sylvia Pfeifer, FT
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David D. Kirkpatrick, New Yorker
Soumya Gayatri, BBC
How a YouTuber duped Indians into the Russia-Ukraine War
Puja Changoiwala, Defector
Mercatus Center, YouTube
Rahul Pandita, Ashish Sharma - Open
Jonny Auping, Longreads
Ankur Pathak, FiftyTwo
Abraham Verghese, The Atlantic
Paperclip, YouTube
Basant Kumar, Newslaundry
Ghostland : Young Indians’ belief in the Paranormal
Ananya Singh, The Swaddle
What India’s Metros Smell Like
Prachi Sibal, VICE
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Talib Visram, FastCompany
Tanul Thakur, Outlook
Petrina Darrah, Atlas Obscură
Shadma Sheikh, Factor Daily
NPR Music, YouTube
The Punjabi Wave
Akhil Sood, Man’s World India
Warner Bros., YouTube
Himanshu Agrawal, CricketMonthly
Can Feni become the next Mezcal?
Business Insider, YouTube
India’s Child Sex Highway
Al Jazeera, YouTube
Shaun Walker, The Guardian
Akshay Patel, Rayan Sayyed, IGN
TR Vivek, Fehmi Mohammed - ThePlate
Anshika Jain, LiveHistoryIndia
S.K.Devi, FountainInk
Ajay Kamalakaran, Russia Beyond
Aakanksha, People’s Archive of Rural India
Solving Grammar’s Greatest Puzzle
Tom Almeroth-Williams, Cambridge